Simple Shapes

Bill originally came upon the shape fonts while doing inventory of the American Wood Type patterns. He added a few of his own to the mix, as well.

French Star Background

Before the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum's 2014 Wayzgoose, Geri discovered a star that she liked in a book from the early 1990s. The heading above the various stars in the book was "Étoiles Blanches & Noires," or "Black and White Stars." She modified the design slightly to create what we call our "French Star." We were pleased by how well it was received at Wayzgoose that we've decided to offer it for sale to all letterpress printers. Joie de vivre!

Note: The shipping cost charged for this item applies only to orders shipped within the United States, if you would like to order outside the US we will send an invoice with the additional shipping cost.

Hearts, Stars (five pointed and French), Moons, Diamonds (geometric, condensed, quad), Asterisks, Circles, Squares, @ Symbol