Viewing posts tagged typeface

Brevity in Stencil
Posted by: Derek Crowe 10 years, 6 months ago

I’ve spent the majority of my life earnestly pursuing an opportunity to be in outer space.  read more

Tags: type, typeface, wood, wooden type, wood type, stencil, brevity code, furball, specimen,

Preissig Scrape in Use
Posted by: Geri McCormick 10 years, 8 months ago

This post is the first of an occasional series on how Virgin Wood Type fonts have been used in design.  read more

Tags: letterpress, p22, rich kegler, type, typeface, wood, wooden type, wood type, font, preissig scrape, printing, ceczh moderism,

Four New Fonts, Two New VWTers
Posted by: Derek Crowe 10 years, 8 months ago

Today we’ve introduced 4 new fonts to the Virgin Wood Type catalog. A veritable cornucopia of extra virgin faces and designs we've offered in the past.  read more

Tags: letterpress, font, typeface, wood, wood type, type, wooden type, gothic 737, aldine expanded, aetna, preissig scrape, fat face, roman, clarendon, ceczh moderism, p22, rich kegler, david wolske, gothic, lineal, matt rieck, katie carey,